Open today between: 10am - 4.30pm

Witch's Kitchen

The Witch of Wookey Hole is a tale that has echoed through history, with the first written reference dating back to 1470. According to legend, a mysterious woman lived deep within the dark chambers of the caves, and locals believed she was a witch.

🔎 Fact or Fiction?
In 1912, archaeologist Herbert Balch discovered female remains in a chamber now called The Goatherd. Many have speculated that these could be the bones of the Witch of Wookey Hole.

Ancient Formations & The Petrified Witch

🪨 A famous stalagmite in this cave is said to be the petrified figure of the Witch, standing alongside her faithful dog.

Other stunning rock formations include:

  • The Giant – The tallest stalagmite in Wookey Hole, standing at 10 feet (3 metres) tall, growing 0.169mm per year and set to meet the ceiling in 10,000 years.
  • St Michael’s Mount – Named after the iconic Cornish island.
  • The Beehive – A short, rounded stalagmite perched on the edge of the pool.

Uncover the mystery and magic of the Witch of Wookey Hole on your visit. Book your adventure today!

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